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The Dilemma of Skilled Workers Answering Phones in Health and Human Services Call Centers

Updated: Oct 8, 2024

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In an era where skilled professionals are increasingly in demand for complex tasks and decision-making, the current scenario of skilled workers answering phones at Health and Human Services (HHS) call centers presents a noteworthy paradox. Although these individuals undoubtedly bring valuable expertise to the table, their presence in call centers raises concerns about resource allocation, efficiency, and the overall effectiveness of service delivery.

Overworked and Underutilized: Expertise Misallocation and Resource Inefficiencies

Skilled workers find themselves overwhelmed as they attempt to compensate for job vacancies in HHS call centers. A survey conducted in October and November 2022 revealed a 27 percent vacancy rate among human services providers, indicating a critical need for skilled worker retention. The report encompassed more than 13,000 full-time, part-time, and per diem customer-facing positions, highlighting the unprecedented importance of retaining skilled workers.

The broader context reveals a decline in overall HHS agency workforce. According to the Human Services Providers Charitable Foundation report, human services employment decreased by 10 percent between 2016 and 2020. This decline emphasizes the urgency for effective resource allocation. Current inefficiencies not only affect workers’ productivity but also raise questions about the optimal utilization of available resources within the HHS.

The increased demand on call centers has led to burnout among many workers. Such working conditions do not align with the good job principles outlined by the Department of Commerce and Labor, which require workers to have adequate hours and predictable schedules. The urgent need for effective resource allocation and strategies to enhance job satisfaction remains a critical challenge for HHS call centers.

Job Satisfaction

The impact on job satisfaction is a critical concern. Skilled workers consistently engaged in routine phone answering may experience dissatisfaction as their time is predominantly spent on basic queries rather than addressing complex challenges. This shift can have repercussions on employee morale, affecting their dedication to delivering high-quality service. A study by Gloat, a human resources software company, found that over one-third of workers feel they are not being utilized to their full potential. This sentiment aligns with ongoing federal call center strikes, advocating for action to enforce the Biden Administration’s commitment to “Good jobs.”

The Department of Commerce and Labor identifies principles that constitute a good job, including equitable opportunities for advancement and tools for future growth within or outside organizations. Workers should feel valued, contribute meaningfully, and be engaged and respected, especially by leadership. Presently, skilled workers in HHS call centers are underutilized, answering routine questions that leave many feeling their work lacks meaning and becoming disengaged.

The Solution: AI-Powered Virtual Assistants (EVA)

A viable solution to this challenge lies in the integration of AI-powered virtual assistants (EVA) into HHS call centers. By leveraging AI technology, routine inquiries can be efficiently handled by EVA, allowing skilled workers to focus on cases that demand their expertise. EVA not only streamlines call center operations but also enhances overall efficiency and resource allocation.


The current practice of deploying skilled workers to answer phones in HHS call centers warrants reconsideration. It is essential to strike a balance between using their expertise and ensuring optimal resource allocation. The integration of AI-powered virtual assistants emerges as a promising solution, offering a pathway to enhance efficiency, improve worker satisfaction, and ultimately provide better services to those in need.



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